We can help you to take your practice to the next level!

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adult using VR

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child using VR

Advantages of Pragmatica:

  • Offer high-intensity practice for your clients with fun, engaging and immersive activities
  • Helps you manage your caseload better by automating large parts of therapy sessions

Cutting Edge Data Analytics

  • Track your clients' progress and make data-driven decisions about next steps in treatment
  • Offer value-based healthcare using key metrics of patients' performance during activities
child using VR

See what our clinicians have to say:

As an SLP serving remote northern communities, having access to Pragmatica and VR has allowed me to reach more clients and personalize their therapy experience, all while giving them more opportunities to practice their social communication skills in simulated environments. Easy to use and fun to play!

Mireille Marchand

As an SLP, I love how Pragmatica allows my clients to practice their speech in a way that is functional and meaningful to them. The activities allow my clients to practice their speech and language goals in settings that can be overwhelming for people with aphasia out in the community, but is presented in a way that is convenient and comfortable for them, through the use of VR. My clients have reported that it is a fun and interesting way to complete speech therapy home practice.

Melissa Mollame